In a tragic incident in Saidpur Part III area, three passengers in an auto rickshaw got brutally injured as the vehicle rolled over in the middle of the road. As per available information the diesel auto was travelling from Link Road to Kabuganj and that is when a speeding motorcycle took a sharp turn forcing the auto driver to pull a hard brake.
“There were two probabilities, one – the auto hits the bike or two it pulls a hard brake. The auto driver wanted to save the motorbike rider and therefore pulled the brake as a result of which it toppled and rolled in the middle of the road,” said an eyewitness.
All three wounded including a woman and two males have been rushed to Silchar Medical College and Hospital. “Aklima Begum Laskar is in critical condition, she was bleeding from her head and nose, hand was terribly twisted too. The other two have been released after fast-aid,” said the eyewitness who accompanied them to the Medical College and Hospital.
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