All educational Institutions in Assam to open from November 2, here are the guidelines
Assam’s Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday announced that all educational institutions would re-open from November 2.
In a tweet, he wrote, “📚 All Educational Institutions in #Assam will re-open from Nov 2, 2020. All protocols on health, safety & hygiene for #COVID as prescribed by @MoHFW_INDIA to be followed at Elementary & Secondary as well as Higher Education levels, in attachment #AssamEduCare @EduMinOfIndia”
As per the new set of regulations, classes should be held in a staggered manner, in shifts or alternate days. Also attendance would not be mandatory for younger students, and a mix of online-physical classes has been advised.
Here are is the detailed guidelines to be followed by educational institututes. details
General Guidelines for school re-opening from November, 2 for classes VI to XII
1. There will be re-opening of schools from November 2, for classes VI to XII.
2. All other classes will remain suspended until further orders.
3. Staggered timetable will be followed for all the classes from VI to XII.
4. For students of class VI, VII, IX and XII, classes will be conducted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
5. For students of class VIII, X and XI, classes will be conducted on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
6. There will be two batches for each class. However, if in any class, total number of students is less than 20, then division in batch will not be required.
7. The first batch of students will come at 08.30 am and stay upto 1.30 pm. The second batch of students will come at 1:30 pm and stay upto 4:30 pm.
8. Attendance of students must not be enforced and purely based on parental consent.
9. Online mode of education will continue for students who prefer to attend online classes rather than physically attend school.
10. The health, hygiene and safety protocols of COVID-19 as issued by the Health & Family Welfare Department/NHM, Assam has to be followed in coordination with the District Administration.
11. Every school authority should coordinate with the nearest Health Centre/Joint Director of Health service, in case of emergency and related health checkup.
12. Students commuting in school transport should feel safe and all safety protocols to be followed.
13. Use of face cover/masks by students, teachers, staff and all stakeholders is mandatory and there should be thorough sanitization and cleaning of all areas inside the school premise. Working hand washing facilities should be available in the school.
Guidelines for re-opening of Higher Educational Institutes in the State of Assam
For fresh reopening of Universities and Colleges in the State of Assam, all the protocols of health, hygiene, safety guidelines under Covid 19 issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Assam, National Health Mission, Assam from time to time has to be followed, in co-ordination with the District Administration.
Guidelines for reopening of UG Classes
1. Maintaining all Covid protocols the colleges will reopen from 2. November, 2020.
2. Staggered time table will be followed regarding which final decision will be taken by the college authorities.
3. Student of UG first semester will have their classes on Monday and Thursday.
4. Student of UG third semester will have their classes on Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday.
5. Student of UG fifth semester will have their classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
6. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday the college shall arrange for the classes in such a way so as to avoid too much crowding of the college camp. For example, college may conduct the classes of third and fifth semester in two shifts, i.e. Day (8.30 am to 12.30pm) and Afternoon (1 PM to 5 PM)
7. Students who are unable to attend classes in their respective colleges because of some extreme circumstances may opt to attend classes in a college of their locality with prior permission from the concerned authorities of both the colleges. However, this should be taken as a temporary measure.
8. College may continue with online classes along with offline classes.
9. For PG Classes the college will follow the guidelines of the parent University/UGC.
10.All teaching and Non-Teaching staff are to attend to their duties regularly from November 2.
11. Decision regarding reopening of Hostels will be intimated in due times.
12. Attendance of students must not be enforced and purely based on parental consent.
13. Every College authority should coordinate with the nearest Health Centredoint Director of Health Service, in case of emergency and related health checkup.
14. Use of face cover/masks by students, teachers, staff and all stakeholders is mandatory and there should be thorough sanitiration and cleaning of all areas inside the college premise. Working hand washing facilities should be available in the College.
15. The University situated within the State of Assam will prepare their individual sop for attending classes within the university campus strictly following the protocols of Covid 19 guidelines
Guidelines for re-opening of Govt. Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics
1. Government Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics are allowed to reopen for face to face class w.e.f. 02.11.2020
2. Institutions will make a plan for opening of Hostel in due course with the formation of Multi-stake holder Committee with members of Parents/Boarders/ Faculties / Staff/ District Authority to function the Hostel.
3. Online as well as blended or mixed mode of teaching will be followed by each Institutions to take care of the out station students as required.
4. Each Institute will make a routine of face to face teaching and online teaching which may consist of multiple sections, multiple class-timings, etc as required.
5. Institutions are to follow the Govt. of Assam’s order No. ASDM.24/2020/Pan-1/122 Dated 14.10.2020 and Govt. of India’s Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated 20.09.2020 and any subsequent orders in this regard.
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