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Babul Hore invincible no more! Here are the details of the Silchar DSA Elections

In the last 47 years, Babul Hore, one of the most senior sports administrators in Assam, seldom failed to hold on to an election. 2023 Biennial General Meeting of Silchar District Sports Association emerged as one such rare occasion, where Hore’s moves found equal or in fact, better matches. His fortress has been breached, and his run as the invincible has been brought to an end.

Silchar MLA Dipayan Chakraborty, since he was elected, made it clear that he wants him people chosen by him to run the DSA.In the wee hours of Monday, when the newly elected members of the Silchar DSA sat together to click a picture, it was the Dipayan Lobby all out with Atanu Bhattacharjee making the only exception as he was elected as the general secretary.

While it is indeed the Dipayan Lobby, it can’t be confused as the BJP lobby as Shibabrata Dutta, another industrialist who has been associated with Sports for a long period of time, has been elected as the new president of Silchar DSA.

Apart from a couple of hindrances, the marathon election and counting process concluded peacefully. Sushmita Dev, Dipayan Chakraborty, Bimalendu Roy, Mihir Shome, among other senior politicians were present at the election process.

Here are the results of the poll in a snapshot:

Vice President (Referee) – Nandadulal Roy, Vice Presient Swimming, Ashutosh Roy, Football Secretary – Bikash Das, Umpire Secretary – Himadri Shekhar Das, Ground Secretary – Kaushik Roy and Minor Secretary – Satyajit Das, have been elected to their respective posts uncontested.

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