Beloved teacher’s retirement leaves students in tears at Ahmodia ME Madrassa
In the quiet corridors of Tintikri Ahmodia ME Madrassa, an ancient saying by the Greek philosopher Plato, “Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each”, reverberated with profound impact as teacher Nazim Uddin Ahmed’s retirement news spread among the students yesterday.
After dedicating an impressive 40 years to teaching, Nazim Uddin’s last official day of work life fell on a poignant Saturday. As the news of Nazim Sir’s departure proliferated among the students, emotions ran high. Overwhelmed by a sense of grief, they flocked to their beloved teacher with tears streaming down their faces. Despite the best efforts of other teachers to console them, the students’ grief proved uncontainable.
In response to the heart-wrenching scene before him, Nazim Sir, reassured his pupils by promising to continue visiting the school daily, even in retirement. His gesture of dedication and care helped the students assuage their fears and bring solace to their hearts.
The profound impact Nazim Uddin had on his young students left him spellbound and deeply moved. For him, this display of affection and gratitude from his pupils served as the greatest gift in life and a fitting tribute to his 40-year long teaching legacy.
Nazim Uddin Ahmed’s retirement serves as a reminder of the remarkable teachers who leave an indelible mark on the lives of their students transcending usual classroom experiences. Plato’s timeless wisdom, echoing through the ages, finds a beautiful and living embodiment through Nazim Uddin and his likes.
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