Breaking News: Good Friday holiday cancelled; all banks to remain open in Assam
The General Administration Department of Government of Assam issued a letter cancelling the holiday on the occasion of Good Friday in the state. A letter issued by IAS Ahmed Hussain, Commissioner and Secretary to the government of Assam, General Administration Department, dated March 29, 2018 officially announced the cancellation of the Holiday.
The letter states, “In cancellation of the Holiday on account of Good Friday on March 30, 2018 issued vide notification No. GAG(A) 81/2016309 dated 18/12/2017, in the interest of public service and in view of clearance of large number of pending bills and cheques and all Treasuries of the state, the Governor of Assam is pleased to declare that all banks will remain open on March 30, 2018.”
Earlier in a letter RBI announced that the banks will remain closed for transaction on April 2, 2018 to enable banks to close their accounts. The letter also stated that the banks will remain open till 8 PM on March 31 to provide greater service to tax payers.
Good Friday is Catholic holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Cavalry. Last year the Gujarat Government removed Good Friday from its list of Holidays and after that the Christian organisations strongly protested it. Last year Good Friday was on April 14 and Narendra Modi government decided to celebrate Digital India Day on the same day. The Christian’s consider Good Friday as one of the most important days in their religious calendar and the decision had irked them last year. This year the cancellation of holiday in Assam too might irk them.
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