Govt. issues new SOP, retains all restrictions; No lockdown yet but, “Cachar will be under close watch”
Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) has reviewed the situation of COVID-19 in the State and observed that, though the number of COVID-19 patients and positivity rate is declining in some districts, the overall situation is still precarious, for which adequate containment measures for both urban and rural areas are still necessary for containment of COVID-19 across the State.
Now, therefore, in the exercise of the powers, conferred under Section 22(2) (h) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson, State Executive Committee of the State Disaster Management Authority, Assam, do hereby issues the following directives which will remain in force w.e.f 5 AM of June 22, 2021, until further order.
A. Containment Zones-for urban and rural areas:
In case the test positivity of COVID-19 in any area reaches 5% or more in case of urban areas and 10% or more in case of rural areas in the last one week, District Magistrate will notify such areas as containment zone and ensure necessary containment measures for COVID-19 as envisaged in MoHFW, Gol advisory dated 25th April, 2021 annexed with MHA order dated 29th April, 2021 (Annexure-A).
B. Night Curfew
Except for exemptions
1. There shall be a total ban on movement of individuals from 2 PM to 5 AM daily in Kamrup Metropolitan district considering the decreasing trend of COVID-19 cases including decrease in the daily case load.
2. In the districts viz. South Salmara, Majuli, Bongaigaon, Chirang, Udalguri, West Karbi Anglong, Dima Hasao and Charaideo where the positive cases are showing less than 400 cumulatively in last 10 days, the lockdown like conditions are hereby relaxed and movement of individuals will be allowed from 5 AM to 5 PM daily.
3. Districts where the total number of cumulative cases and per day cases are still showing persistently high numbers, especially Cachar, Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Sonitpur and Nagaon will be under close watch. In case there is no improvement in the COVID status in these districts, stricter restrictions may follow.
4. In the districts other than the districts mentioned in 1 and 2 above, restrictions imposed vide order No ASDMA/28/2021/90 dated the 4th June 2021 shall continue to remain in force until further order i.e. total ban in the movement of individuals from 1 PM to 5 AM daily.
C. Workplace and business/ commercial establishments:
1. Regulation and Timing
2. All Government and Private Employees who have taken both doses of COVID-19 vaccine have to attend office mandatorily.
3. Government/semi government officers in the rank of Deputy Secretary and above and senior executives in Non-Government sector along with their key support staff will have to attend the office for emergency and urgent works irrespective of their vaccination status.
4. The organizations rendering Essential/Emergency Services, Law Enforcement Services and Election work will continue working without any restrictions.
5. Pregnant women employees and women with children of 5 years or below working under any Government / PSU / Financial Institutions Private Organizations irrespective of their grade shall be eligible to work from home.
6. Persons with disabilities (PwDs) working in any Government/PSU/ Financial Institutions/Private organizations shall be exempted from attending duties in consonance with the O.M No. 11013/9/2014/Estt. (A.III) dated 1st April, 2020 issued by DoPT, Gol. However, they may be encouraged to work from home.
D. Public Transport (Government and Private)-for urban and rural areas:
1. All Public transport authorities shall enforce COVID-19 appropriate behavior and seating inside the vehicles, carriers, containers etc.
2. Auto Rickshaws, cycle rickshaws and taxis shall operate with one driver and two passengers maintaining social distancing.
3. Pillion riding will be totally prohibited in two-wheelers, except with women and children.
4. Wearing of face mask is mandatory even for a single person driving a vehicle. In case of persons travelling in any private car, up to 100 % of its seating capacity. wearing of face mask is mandatory for all the persons.
E. Educational Institutions (Government and Private) -for urban and rural areas:
1. All Educational Institutions including Schools/Colleges/Universities shall continue to provide quality virtual options. No physical classes are allowed.
F. Gatherings -for urban and rural areas:
1. No meeting/gathering at any open or closed spaces shall be allowed;
2. For marriages, only religious part will be allowed with the presence of a maximum of 10 (ten) persons. No reception parties will be allowed post or pre marriage.
3. All Religious places shall remain closed until further orders. However, the religious head of a religious place or his representative may perform minimal religious rituals/prayers
4. Funeral / last rites related gatherings shall not be more than 10 persons for each deceased. 5. In case of hotels/resorts, in-house guests may be allowed to dine-in up to the usual time of operation.
6. Delivery of essential goods through e-Commer of COVID appropriate behavior. may continue with observance
7. Weekly haats / bazaars shall continue to be not allowed.
8. Pharmacies, Hospitals, Animal Care Centres and Veterinary clinics may operate without restrictions being providers of essential and emergency services.
G. Inter-district movement All inter-district transport services and movement of people to and from other districts shall remain suspended until further order.
H. Miscellaneous
1. Wearing of face mask is compulsory in all public places.
2. Cold storages and warehouses may continue even after the time prescribed in table at item no C-1(5).
3. Shop owners shall ensure minimum six feet distance among customers and shall not allow more than 5 persons inside the shop. In addition, shop owners should compulsorily keep sanitizers and hand wash in their shops.
4. Shopkeepers and customers shall have to wear masks, hand gloves and maintain social distancing. Responsibility of maintenance of social distancing will be on the shop owner and failure to do so will be viewed very seriously and may entail summary closure of defaulting shops.
5. Industrial units and Tea gardens may function subject to observance of COVID appropriate behaviour. Head of the unit/tea garden shall be responsible for ensuring social distancing, mask wearing by workers and staff, sanitization of industrial premises, thermal scanning etc.
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