“Heavy Rainfall” might spoil Durga Pujo 2020; IMD issues ‘Red’ warning for Cachar
Seems the COVID 19 was not enough to spoil the grandeur associated with “Durga Pujo” this time as it patches up with “heavy rainfall” to further confine the festive mood.
According to India’s public weather forecaster, the Indian Meteorological Department, a Low-pressure area has developed over the central parts of the Bay of Bengal and which is very likely to concentrate into a depression by tomorrow and further into a Deep Depression during the subsequent 24 hours.
“Light to moderate rainfall at most places is very likely over Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram & Tripura on 22nd and 23rd and over Assam & Meghalaya on 23rd and 24th October 2020; Light to moderate rainfall at many palaces likely over Assam & Meghalaya on 22nd and over Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura on 24th,” IMD said in a press release on Wednesday.
Giving a district-wise breakup of the forecast, IMD issued a red warning for all 4 districts of South Assam with a probability of “Thunderstorm and extremely Heavy rain” on 23rd October.
However weather likely to improve from Saturday as, except Cachar, all three southern Assam districts have been kept under orange warning followed by green on Sunday. Cachar district will have “Thunderstorm with lightning and heavy rainfall” on Saturday.
In IMD’s parlance, a red warning means to take necessary action and orange means to be prepared. Yellow and green means ‘Be updated’ and ‘No action’ respectively.
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