“NI works”, Railway cancels Silchar Guwahati train from 9 to 15th March
The railway authorities have cancelled some trains between Badarpur and Guwahati scheduled between March 9 to 15 due to the infrastructure development work, non-interlocking (NI) work for commission of double line in Digaru-Hojai section.
“Non Interlocking work at Jagiroad, Ajuri, Sonuabari & Dharamtul stations of LMG division will be conducted from 09.03.22 to 14.03.22 for commission of double line in Digaru-Hojai section(.) In this connection the competent authority has granted traffic block for 5.00 hours from 09.00 to 14.00 hrs on 09.03.22, 10.03.22, 11.03.22, 12.03.22, 13.03.22& 14.03.22” a statement said.
In view of the above Non-Interlocking work, movement of following trains will be impacted among others.
15615/6 Silchar Guwahati express cancelled w.e.f 9th March to 15th March
15611/2 Silchar Guwahati express cancelled on 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14th March from respective side.
15887/8 Badarpur Guwahati Vistadome Exp cancelled on 9th and 12th March
20503/4 New Delhi Dibrugarh Rajdhani cancelled on 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14th March from respective side.
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