Readers write: Urgent Attention Needed for Miserable Road Conditions on Medical Road, Silchar
Dear Editor,
I am writing to draw your attention to the deplorable condition of the roads in Silchar, particularly the Medical Road, which is critical for several reasons. This road hosts the majority of the city’s hospitals and higher educational institutes, making it a vital artery for both health and education sectors. The current state of this road is a cause for serious concern.
The potholes and broken surfaces make it nearly impossible to drive without risking vehicle damage or personal injury. It is difficult to understand whether the public here has grown accustomed to such regular hardships and ceased to complain, or if they are simply being neglected and taken for granted by the government authorities. Either way, the situation remains unchanged, and the community continues to suffer.
Compounding the already poor road conditions, a single night of rain transforms the road into a virtual river, necessitating boats for passage rather than cars. This not only hinders daily commutes but also poses severe risks during medical emergencies, where every minute is crucial. The horrific traffic management exacerbates the problem, often resulting in a 10-kilometer journey taking up to two hours.
Proper road facilities are one of the primary indicators of the development of a place. The current state of Medical Road stands in stark contrast to this ideal, reflecting poorly on the region’s progress and governance. The authorities must be reminded that good infrastructure is a fundamental necessity, not a luxury.
I hope this letter will urge the concerned authorities to take immediate action to repair and maintain the Medical Road. Ensuring smooth and safe transportation for the residents of Silchar should be a top priority. I trust that your esteemed newspaper will highlight this pressing issue and help bring about the much-needed change.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. Attached below are some visual proofs of the aforementioned points.
Debopriya Kar
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