Sonai MLA Aminul Haque Laskar immerses abandoned Durga Idol; says, “It is our duty to promote the spirit of brotherhood”
At the Bagpur and Sonabarighat Ferry Ghat roads of the Sonai constituency, a Durga idol was left unattended and got stuck as the river water dried up and was thus left abandoned at that place. This ferry road is especially used by the local residents, most of whom belong to the minority community.
When this issue was brought to the notice of Deputy Speaker Assam legislative assembly and MLA Sonai Aminul Haque Laskar, he rushed there on Wednesday and with the help of local people and BJP workers removed the Durga idol from the dry place and immersed it in the river.
Everyone present there was fascinated by such kind effort taken by MLA Sonai Aminul Haque Laskar who himself took the initiative and arranged a boat to put the idol in the river water so that the idol is not disrespected. It carried the message of brotherhood and harmony amongst the society….
While talking about the same MLA Sonai said “It is our duty to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India. We all should respect religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities as it is also our fundamental duty that is mentioned in the Indian Constitution. It is very important for us.”
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