Subimal Bhattacharjee at “Assam after NRC roundtable discussion”: “Genuine Indians in Barak Valley got rejected”
Subimal Bhattacharjee recently participated in an engaging round table discussion “Assam after NRC” in Guwahati yesterday at Assam Sahitya Sabha premises. Around 30 eminent personality from Assam took part in the discussion.
The session was organised by Parama Rajbongshi President Assam Sahitya Sabha, journalist Mrinal Talukdar and advocate Niloy Dutta. Apart from Bhattacharjee, editors PJ Baruah and Prasanta Rajguru, advocates Arup Borbora, AS Tapader and Bijan Mahanta, journalist Swapnil Bharali, Ratnadip Choudhury, and other dignatories like Rajeev Bhattacharya, P Rajbongshi, Udayan Mishra sir and Sashadhar Choudhury were present in the event. It was a very important and timely discussion, and each of the speaker made some pertitnent remarks on NRC and its aftermath. The session was moderated by Mrinal Talukdar.
Sharing details about his speech, Subimal Bhattacharjee said, “I spoke in my allotted time on how to preserve the multicultural character of Assam and how economics has to take over and progress. NRC should be cleared of all the anomalies and the common people shouldn’t be harassed.”
He added, “I raised the point of how Barak was a valley of peace among all communities and how people in the region were also original inhabitants and always participated in the development of the state. Also mentioned the need for a more humane approach in the next few steps for those left out.”
In his speech, Bhattacharjee also spoke about the case of how genuine Indians were left out from Barak Valley and they should be considered and taken in with special support.
This was reportedly the first major civil society engagement of all shades of opinion from both valleys and across sectors among eminent people after the NRC list was published
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