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Journalism is not about sitting inside an airconditioned cabin and writing long essays. At Barak Bulletin, we believe in reaching where the story is and reporting it from ground zero. We believe in writing what we see instead of thinking what we must write to rake in some benefit. Four years back, in October 2017 we formally registered our domain and in February 2018, we launched our hyperlocal news publication Barak Bulletin. Today, 5 lakh unique users read us every month. We realised, we need to be more responsible and cover more stories within the valley.
November 2021, we will expand our team, hire more people, so that we can cover the stories that are worth telling. Mizoram firing, Settlement Office scam, Bridges Hanging in the air, COVID crisis, Barak Bulletin always brought to you the facts from the ground. We want to continue doing so, but that won’t be possible without your help.
As a policy, we do not accept advertisements from the Government or politicians. That leaves us with private organisations that have thoroughly supported us. But we cannot ask them for more money per month as that won’t make business sense for them. In such a scenario, the onus is on you. We kept Barak Bulletin free for all and we will continue to do so. But, more than ever, we need your support because Barak Bulletin is your platform and only you can keep it independent. Support our journalism by paying us a subscription fee.
From Re 1 to Rs 49,999, you can pay a fee of your choice. You can pay it once a month, once a year, or just once in a lifetime. Each time you make a payment, you will get an invoice from us in your email or WhatsApp. Moreover, after making a payment, if you feel we are not worth it, you can ask for a return within 15 days. Just drop us an email with account details and we we will credit the money back to your account. You all have been paying a monthly fee to newspapers while digital continued to deliver to its promises. When vaccines were administered from an unauthorised Centre, it is Barak Bulletin that exposed the scam and forced the administration to take action. We reach where no newspapers dare, we deliver news to nook and corner where no hawkers distribute. The effort is no less than a newspaper, the expenses too are as high. Your membership will just help us go one step further.
Barak Bulletin is not just trying it out, we are here to stay and we are here to serve. We serve at the pleasure of the governed and not the governors. We are your publication. This is the biggest step we have taken and we need your support. Remember, it should be credibility and not chaos, it should be news and not noise, it should be sense and not sensationalism. The lines are blurring and only you can save them from getting vanished. At the end of the day, informed electorate walking into the polling booth is what democracy is.
Lastly, we know that after we make this announcement, others will follow. All of us need support, but remember, only make payment to a current account in the name of a company and not a person. Always check the CIN NO. to find if the company is registered. Always and Always seek an invoice. We don’t want another syndicate we already have enough. You can check our certification below.
To our members, in return of the money – whatever it might be, we will send a customised newsletter every morning. This will consist all the stories from the previous day in one layout.
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Bank Name: State Bank of India
A/C Name: Barak Darpan Private Limited
A/C No.: 38192257342
IFSC Code: SBIN0013308
Type: Current Account
Email: members@barakbulletin.com
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