Two thieves nabbed but early evening robbery is scaring Barak Valley
Reports of miscreants stealing cash, snatching gold chains, lifting motorcycles and breaking ATMs are on an all time high. There are rackets carrying out these illegal activities and they have reached a level where they are not worried about anything not even broad sun-light or crowded evenings.
Yesterday, at about 7:30 PM, two miscreants identified as Sumit Bhattacharjee, resident of Meherpur and Saibul Laskar of Kanakpur, with foul intentions and lot of courage entered an ATM in Ambicapatty area. It is the heart of the town and at 7:30 in the evening it is the most lively. Both of them as per police reports wanted to steal the batteries installed in the ATM booth.
Few local residents saw both of them in the ATM booth. They sensed something wrong and immediately informed local Police station. The police officials rushed to the spot and nabbed both of them. As per latest reports they are now behind bars in Silchar (Sadar) Police Station.
Cases of burglaries in broad day light or early evening poses immense questions on the state of security in Barak Valley. Having said so Cachar Police did taste some success in putting miscreants behind bars. On April 28, 2018 Rangirkhari Police in a special operation managed to arrest the bike lifting kingpin Khairul Islam Barbhuiya. He stole over 5000 bikes over a period of 10 years and used to run a racket of thieves. But such encouraging news are few and far compared to the high crime rates.
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