The Commoners' to hold free health checkup and medicine distribution camp at Paper Mill, Panchgram
The Commoners’, a voluntary organisation working in the field of education, health and living welfare has decided to lend a helping hand for the families of Cachar Paper Mill workers.
As readers would know, the industry is under hammer of liquidation pushing thousand of families into an uncertain future. The employees are yet to get salaries from as long as 36 months. The financial crunch has led to a series of dillemas for the people and are even deprived of proper health care
Through its network, the The Commoners’ got to know that the families in the localities were unable to get basic medical treatment for serious ailments. Wanting to help the needful, the team has organised a health checkup and medical distribution camp.
Bodhisattwa Bhattacharjee, PR Head, The Commoners’ organisation told barakbulletin.com, “We have decided to conduct a health checkup and free medicine distribution camp with our limited resources in Panchgram paper mill township on 30 December. Also, medical team under leadership of our president Dr. Rohan Biswas will do a detail health audit of those families and we will send an exclusive report to National Human Rights Commission & Ministry of Health, Govt of India for necessary intervention.”
On behalf of his team, he also appealed to all the people of Barak valley to come forward in support of these families in their tough time.
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