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Only 62 donors donated plasma in SMCH so far compared to 450 in Guwahati Medical College

Early August, Silchar Medical College and Hospital started collecting plasma, yet the number of donations has remained low. The only hospital treating symptomatic patients of three districts – Cachar, Karimganj, and Hailakandi, more than 1300 patients have been discharged so far from SMCH. Considering SMCH treats only symptomatic patients, it suffices to assume that most of them are eligible for donation. Along with that, there were symptomatic patients in all three Civil Hospitals in Barak Valley,. They too can donate.

However, out of 1300 discharged so far from SMCH and a few hundreds from Civil Hospitals, only 62 have voluntarily donated plasma. The number of plasma donations in Guwahati Medical College and Hospital already crossed 450, seven times more than SMCH. Albeit, GMCH started plasma therapy a few days before Silchar. SMCH is ahead of other hospitals in the state but those cater to fewer patients.

Dr. Bhaskar Debnath, in-charge of the plasma bank informed that 107 units of plasma have been disbursed so far. “From each donor we get two units of plasma. So far, we have had 62 donations in SMCH, however, the unit collected is 120 as four units could be used due to technical complications,” informed Debnath.

He added that 12 units of plasma have been shipped in from Guwahati and five from Tezpur Medical College and Hospital. “94 patients have undergone Covsclent Plasma Therapy in Silchar Medical College and Hospital and out of them, 13, unfortunately, expired while 27 got discharged. There are 54 admitted at the hospital currently who have undergone plasma therapy,” informed Debnath.

Apart from SMCH, private nursing home, Green Heals also treats COVID patients. Debnath informed that the plasma bank has disbursed units for the benefit of patients in the private nursing home too.

SMCH provides a request note signed by Dr. Bhaskar Debnath to all the patients who are eligible to donate plasma.

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