Bangalore Sreehatta Sammelani is prepped up for Durga Puja 2020; Dolchut to go live today
Bangalore Sreehatta Sammelani (BSS) –the association of Sylhetis in Bangalore— is all set to solemnize Durga Puja Mahotsav for the second consecutive year. However, the puja scale would be toned down, considering the Government’s current rules and regulations and also the health and safety of members.
And so, BSS office bearers have decided to LIVE stream all the Puja rituals like Pushpanjali, Sondhi Puja, Aroti etc. for its members on BSS Facebook page, YouTube Channel, and newly launched Website- www.bssbangalore.com. This arrangement is done to ensure that members of Bangalore Sreehatta Sammelani stay connected to BSS Durga Puja in times of pandemic.
Unlike last year’s “Go Green Theme”, this year the Puja theme would be “Panchtatwar Somonnoye Aitirjyomondito Sreehatiya Durga Puja”, which denotes performing the puja abiding by the rich Sylheti traditions and using five elements of nature i.e. water, fire. Earth, space, and air. The Panchtatwa would be truly depicted in the puja decors.
The vibrant cultural team of BSS has been engaged in organizing an array of events since Mahalaya—17th September,2020—to create the vibe of puja virtually. On Mahalaya the highlight was on nine different forms of MAA Durga, apart from that Gurujoner Sondhya, Children’s program, LIVE performance by few excellent Bands and musicians from Northeast, Fancy dress, and Sylheti Pakhghor were also conducted the following weeks to engage members of all age groups.
Going ahead, BSS has planned an array of cultural events from right from Sosthi to Dashami this puja. On Sosthi, ‘Dolchut’ is going live with BSS right from the heart of Silchar. Rajib Choudhury & Sujata Deb will captivate BSS’s audience on Asthami with their mesmerizing music. While Asthami the programs will be entirely in-house, Nobomi again Shorik- Band is going LIVE with BSS. The cultural programmes will be streamed live from 7:30 pm in the evening on the Facebook page and YouTube channel of BSS.
Drama from the members – “Corona & Swargolok” will be an eye-catcher. The last event of Durga Puja would be Open house dhamail and Children’s play- BANI that are planed for Dashami. These are the cultural events that are lined up in BSS for Durga Puja 2020 which will be aired on BSS YouTube Channel- BSS Cultural,
The organization that was incepted more than a decade back with a dream to amalgamate a few Sylehtis in Bangalore has today reached the potential of organizing Durga Puja and has hundreds of members. Yearly, the organization has been organizing four events- BSS Foundation Day in July, Bijoya Sammelani, Picnic in January, and Poila Boishak since the founding years. All these have together helped BSS to achieve phenomenal growth, over the years.
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