Degree student of Hailakandi's SS College tests Covid positive; "Appeared for two examinations"
The Assam University, Silchar has gone ahead with the scheduled TDC odd semester examination in offline mode despite facing heavy backlash and protest. In the last 10 days since the commencement of the examination, several students and teachers have been tested Covid positive. This trend has continued even on Thursday, as a student of the Arts stream of Hailakandi’s Srikishan Sarda College tested positive on that day. The 3rd-semester student has already appeared in two exams and his next exam is on May 12. He went to college for some work on Thursday and the health officials tested his Covid after noticing his temperature there, which was later found to be positive. The student then returned home on the advice of the health officials there and will remain in home isolation for the next 14 days.
The student said that he appeared for the exams on April 8 and 10 and did not go to college after that. He has an exam on May 12 as well and had to go to college due to some work on Thursday. Before entering the college premises, the health workers at the gate checked his initial health and asked him to sit in a separate room. There he was tested for Covid and the result came positive. He was then carefully sent back home and his family members were also advised to get their Covid tests done soon.
The Principal of the Srikishan Sarda college, Amalendu Bhattacharjee said that they have been adhering to the Covid protocol in the college from the very beginning. A special team has been sent to the college by the health department who looks into the body temperature and other symptoms of the students attending every day. Those who feel a little abnormal are tested for Rapid Antigen. An adequate amount of sanitiser has also been kept which is being repeatedly sprayed in every classroom.
Due to the continuous cases of students contracting the Coronavirus, many people have been demanding that the examination be called off. However, the university authorities have not yet made any such decision. The government has also not issued any order to cancel the examination. However, there is a panic in the minds of the students, which can affect their studies as well. Unfortunately, the University, State government, or even the local politicians are showing indifferent attitude in this regard.
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