Using teenagers to smuggle drugs from Mizoram to Cachar; One boy handed over to Lailapur Police
Drug smugglers resorting to newer techniques for drug trafficking these days. Now they are using teen boys to peddle drugs. Local people of Cachar’s bordering village Lailapur have apprehended one such boy today around 11 am, and recovered packets of synthetic drugs from his possession, they handed over the boy to Lailapur police.
The local people have noticed the boy walking through a narrow road towards Mizoram, then they asked the boy what and whereabouts and recovered soap cases full of suspected drugs. The age of the boy is around 14 or 15.
The local people have alleged that the narrow road is being used by the drug smugglers. They handed over the boy to Lailapur police.
“We have been actively working against trade, peddling and use of drugs in our area, Lailapur is becoming the hub of all illegal activities. We want the police to bust these rackets,” said one local who ran an NGO against Drug abuse. “Small children are getting addicted to drugs, sometimes people from Mizoram come here for drugs, there are instances of death due to drug overdose here, these sort of things may escalate border tensions between Assam and Mizoram,” he added.
He further said, “Big businessmen are behind the drug racket, and they are using small boys as their peddlers. The boy has revealed many names to us, we want police to arrest them. When public try to bust them they may Target us individually, we can’t do anything without the help of police, so we urge the police to take immediate actions.”
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