Trikal Chakrabarty Rescues Monstrous Burmese Python From Tarapur Amidst Public Spectacle of over 500
Following a spell of record-breaking heat and unpredictable climate changes in southern Assam, a dramatic event unfolded in Tarapur, Silchar, yesterday. A monstrous Burmese Python was discovered in a residential area of the town. The sighting, which drew an astonished crowd of more than 400-500 people, led to an urgent call for the region’s well-known snake rescuer, Trikal Chakrabarty.
Chakrabarty, who has garnered a reputation for his snake rescues across the Cachar district, received multiple calls reporting the presence of the large python. Initially expecting to find a moderately sized snake, Chakrabarty and his team were stunned by the sheer size of the reptile, which weighed in at 46 kilograms and measured 13 feet in length. It is now the second-largest python Chakrabarty has ever rescued in an urban area, with the largest being a 57-kilogram python rescued near Chirukandi Point in Silchar.
“Considering the ongoing rains, we thought it was a regular incident of a python entering human habitats,” Chakrabarty said. “But when we arrived, it was clear that this python was far from ordinary in size, especially in such an urban environment.”
With the situation quickly escalating due to the growing crowd, Chakrabarty and the Barak Valley Wildlife Division team swiftly worked together to secure the area and safely rescue the python. “The teamwork of the Barak Valley Wildlife Division was essential in controlling the crowd and ensuring the rescue was a success,” he remarked.
The python was safely relocated and released into its natural habitat, marking yet another successful rescue for Chakrabarty and his team. Despite the frequent encounters between humans and reptiles in the region, this rescue will be remembered for the sheer size of the python and the excitement it sparked among the local population.
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