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After association issued warning to Meitei people living in Mizoram, CYMA appeals them to continue living peacefully

The Central Young Mizo Association (CYMA) which is renowned as the largest students’ organisation in Mizoram has issued a press statement to win the confidence of the Meitei people living in Mizoram. This comes after a statement was issued by another organisation urging the Meitei people to leave Mizoram for safe refuge elsewhere.

The statement issued today reads, “The Central Young Mizo Association (CYMA) would like to appeal all Meitei people living in Mizoram to live peacefully and securely while the NGO Coordination Committee is intending to organise solidarity march on July 25,2023 throughout the state of Mizoram.”

It adds, “Furthermore, we would like to appeal to the Manipur state government to assure safety and security to the Mizo peoples living and studying in Imphal and surrounding areas.”

The Office of the Peace Accord MNF Returnees’ Association General Headquarters Mizoram, Aizawl was the organisation that issued a statement on July 21 which had gone viral on social media. A trusted member of the press in Mizoram translated the statement for Barak Bulletin and according to the interpretation, it means, “They fear for the safety of the Meitei people living in Mizoram and so, they are requested to leave.”

This comes after a video went viral on Social Media featuring two naked women in Manipur being paraded by a mob who then allegedly gang raped them as an act of vengeance against the Kuki tribe of Manipur.

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