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AHSEC notifies 31 July is the last date for HS first year admission
A notification signed by secretary of Assam Higher Secondary Education Council states that admission for HS first year will end on July 31, 2020.
The notice read as followed-
“It is notified to all concerned that the last date of Admission for First year HS Classes and filling up of Online Registration for the academic session 2020-21 have been fixed as noted below:
a) Last date of admission into the First Year class: Up to 31st July, 2020.
b) The Principal of all the Permitted/Recognized institutions under AHSEC are requested to allow admission only for those students who have passed HSLC or equivalent examinations from the Board recognized by AHSEC/ COBSE (Council Of Boards of Schools Education in India). The students who have come from other Boards have to submit the original Migration Certificate along with the prescribed fee and statement)
(A Iist of few fake boards operating in India enclosed herewith with a request not to enroll any students from the. Boards)
c) Like previous year, for the academic session 2020-21 the online registration process will be started as per following schedule:
16th August- 30th September 2020 without fine.
1st October-31th October 2020 with a fine of Rs 100/- per student.
1st November-30th November 2020 with a fine of Rs 150/- per student.
No registration will be accepted after expiry of the above mentioned dates under no conditions.
d) Fees per student
Registration Fee: Rs 200 (Registration Rs 150 + Enrollment of Rs 50)
Eligibility Fee: Rs 300 (Applicable in case of migrated student)
Gap Fee: Rs 200 (Applicable in case of 3 years and above)
For more details, students can log in to: www.ahsec.nic.in
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