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Assam University establishes 'Nakshatra Vatika' in campus premises to promote biodiversity conservation

On March, 01, 2023, a ‘Nakshatra Vatika’ was established under the initiative of Assam University, Silchar. About 27 different species of creepers, vines, shrubs and trees have been planted in this artificial forest. The garden was inaugurated by Er. Kireet Kumar, former Director, G.B.Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Almora, Uttarakhand,  Vice-Chancellor, Assam University, Silchar Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant, Shri. P. Sivakumar,CCF, Southern Assam Circle, Cachar, DFO Cachar, Sri Tejas Mariswamy and Prof. Parthankar Choudhury, Dean and former Head of Ecology & Environmental Science Department.

From the speech of various dignitaries it emerged that the culture of a country depends on its environment, nature and biodiversity conservation. From this point of view, Vedic literature is very useful for us as well as for the entire world. While quoting Vedas, one of the esteemed member said that the sages of ancient India, with the knowledge gained by them through prolonged meditation have advised us to preserve the pristine state of the environment at all cost.

Traditional Indian values holds that every element of the universe, be it a tiny or giant one, is interrelated and that they are all influenced by the cosmic energy, the solar system, the stars, and the planets. It is perceived that all these have direct impact on human life and the environment. Various ancient manuscripts have also mentioned the relationship of ecosystem services with the diverse biota present in and around us.

Prof. Ajit Kumar Das, Head of Department of Environmental Science and Dr. Shovan Dattagupta were entrusted with the task of setting up the forest. Dr. Arun Jyoti Nath, Dr. Panna Deb and other teachers and administrative & non teaching staff of the university have helped in various ways in the project.

Detailed scientific information about all the trees planted in the forest can be known by scanning the barcode with the mobile scanner. This was done by Dr. Mausam Handique, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering Department. In fact, the establishment of such a forest within the varsity premise was the brain child of Professor R. M. Pant, the honourable VC of Assam University.

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