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Assam University Silchar issues notice of complete ban on ragging inside the campus, asks students to fill out undertaking

Ragging is right now an alarming reality of higher education institutions in the country. The dreadful incident of ragging at Dibrugarh University has shaken the entire nation. It saw a strong reaction from the state government. Last Monday, 14 students of Silchar Dental College were suspended after a complaint of ragging by a fresher. Universities and colleges are taking steps to stop cases of ragging of students in educational institutions. Assam University Silchar has also issued a circular which imposed a complete ban on ragging of any kind inside the campus.

The notification issued on November 7 read, “The Honourable Supreme Court of India in its order has completely banned ragging in educational institutes. It is emphasised that ragging besides being a reprehensible act, is now a punishable offence. Hence to comply with the verdict of the Honourable Supreme Court of India and to maintain a fair environment of teaching and learning inside the campus, the Assam University, Silchar has also imposed complete ban on ragging of any kind.”

The notice also asked the students to fill out an anti-ragging undertaking at the website

The national anti-ragging helpline number is available 24×7 and is toll-free. The helpline number is 1800-180-5522. A student can also visit the website to lodge any complaint of anti-ragging.

Say No To Ragging.

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