Breaking: Truck driver from Karimganj is not the Corona patient who tested positive in Tripura
A piece of news broke in the regional media earlier today that a truck driver, who tested corona positive in Tripura, escaped the quarantine centre and entered Assam’s Karimganj district. The driver was claimed to be from Kayasthagram and named Jafrul Islam. But contrary to the report, an official from the Nilambazar circle office informed Barak Bulletin that the suspected person was a driver of cylinder truck and as it is under ‘essential service’, he was allowed to ply on the road. While speaking with Barakbulletin, the officer ruled out the allegations that he had escaped a quarantine centre. Jafrul Islam returned to Karimganj on May 6, 2020, whereas Tripura CM, informed about the truck driver being tested positive on May 8. 2020.
The latest development in the story is Jafrul Islam is not the truck driver who tested positive, rather, it is someone else who hails from West Bengal. The Tripura authorities collected swab samples from a driver of West Bengal origin truck (WB-65-C-2129) and after finding the sample positive, they initiated nabbing a wrong truck driver (TR01-AH 1992).
Karimganj Deputy Commissioner, Anbamuthan MP, has confirmed it to Barak Bulletin that Jafrul Islam is not who tested positive in Tripura.
“The person in Kayasthagram is not the one who tested positive,” DC replied to a query of Barak Bulletin. Further on asking, whether the family of Jafrul Islam, who was quarantined earlier today, will be discharged now, the DC replied the swab samples of all have been collected and “Just to be safe, we will wait for the reports.”
As per available information, the infected driver has been stopped by Tripura authorities at Jirania and taken into isolation.
It can be mentioned here that after the news broke today the morning, following which panic spread among the people of Karimganj, some of whom even started to compare the driver with Ajmer returnees.
It is also important to mention here that in view of increasing COVID 19 cases across the border in Tripura state, Karimganj administration has stopped the entry of passengers through Churaibari into the Assam with immediate effect. The neighboring Tripura has seen a sharp rise in Corona cases after 118 samples tested positive in the state. Maximum cases were reported among BSF personnel.
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