Cardiologist, Rakesh P Gopal to visit Silchar on Oct 15, will check patients at Apollo Clinic, Meherpur
One of the most respected names in the field of Cardiology, Dr. Rakesh P Gopal will visit Silchar and check patients at Apollo Clinic, Meherpur. The Clinic authority has informed that Dr. Gopal will be available for consultation 9:00 am onwards on October 15.
As the doctor will be there for just a day, there are limited seats only and so, one needs to book the appointment in advance. To book the appointment, patients or their attendants can call 7099003112 or 7099090222.
Adjunct Professor of Cardiology, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Dr. Rakesh Gopal is a Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiologist Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.
He is also the Director Cardiac Catheterization Services and Interventional Cardiology at Hindu Mission Hospital. Apart from that, he is the Lead Cardiologist, Center for Onco Cardiology Apollo Speciality Hospital Teynampet, Chennai and was the former Cardiologist to Governor Tamil Nadu State, India.
He has been checking patients in Silchar for more than a year now and he has deep understanding of the regional issues too. He presents an opportunity for the people of Barak Valley to save air fare and other expenses as to consult a doctor of his stature, the people of this region had to fly miles. Apollo Clinic, Meherpur is providing the opportunity at doorsteps by making him available.
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