Cash and gold ornaments worth Rs. 12 lakhs looted by robbers from jewellery shop in Katigorah
Today morning, a robbing incident took place in a jewellery shop located just 50 meters away from Katigorah Police Station station. Gold ornaments and cash worth Rs. 12 lakhs were looted from the jewellery shop. The pillion rider of a Pulsar bike entered the jewellery shop and looted the gold ornaments as well as cash. The faces of the two robbers got caught on the CCTV camera. The shop is owned by Prabhangshu Dutta, a local resident of Katigorah.
In the morning at around 11 am, Dutta left his jewellery shop for some work. As per the statement of a eyewitness, at that time two people on a Pulsar bike heading towards Katigorah Chourangee stopped at some distance from the jewellery shop. Then, the pillion rider dismounted from the bike, walked a bit and entered the jewellery shop. He looted jewellery and cash from the shop, mounted on the bike again and the two ran away. Locals chased the bikers till Katigorah Chourangee but they managed to evade successfully. The Police have launched an investigation into the case, although the two bikers have not been found yet. The incident of looting a jewellery shop just 50 meters from away from the police station has created a sensation in the area.
Speaking to reporters an eyewitness said, “We were gossiping with each other at around 11 am. At that time two people on a bike came and stopped the bike at some distance from the jewellery shop. The pillion rider dismounted from the bike and entered the jewellery shop. He stole gold ornaments and cash from the shop. Then he mounted on the bike again and the two ran away.”
The owner of the jewelery shop Prabhangshu Dutta told reporters, “I came from home to the shop with my bag. I kept my bag in the shop and requested a person named Pappu to look after my shop as I went to fetch water. Within two minutes, Pappu called me and told that my bag was stolen by two people who came on a bike.”
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