Direct Recruitment Examination Paper V for Class III posts this Sunday, 6711 candidates will appear in 10 centres of Cachar
The Paper V examination under Direct Recruitment Commission for Class III posts, will be held this Sunday across 10 centres in Cachar district. This examination is being held in the written mode to fill up the vacant post of Class-III under the state government. This examination is being held under the vigil of Secondary Education Board of Assam (SEBA), that has announced about this examination schedule and this has been notified by the Deputy Commissioner of Cachar today.
Total 6711 candidates will appear for this written examination in the district. The examination will be held at ten centres across the district. There are 6 centres under GC College alone. Other than that the centres for this examination on September 11 in Cachar are National Institute of Technology, Cachar College, Don Bosco School and Govt. Girls HS & MP School. There are different sets of rules and restrictions around the examination centres and for the candidates on the day of the examination. To hold the examination in a free, fair and transparent manner and to restrict the involvement of any undesired external influence, no malpractices should be allowed during the entire examination process, which might vitaite the peaceful environment in and around the examination venues.
The circular issued by Cachar DC IAS Rohan Kumar Jha read, “Whereas, it is considered to be prudent and expedient, in the interest of holding free, fair and transparent recruitment examination during examination hours on the days fixed for holding such written examination which might disturb the examination process which is likely to create obstruction, annoyance or injury to any person lawfully employed, or danger to human life, health or safety, or a disturbance of the public tranquility, or a riot, of an affray, to put reasonable restrictions on following activities; Therefore, I, Rohan Kumar Jha, IAS, District Magistrate, Cachar hereby promulgate this order under Section 144 Cr. P.C. prohibiting the following activities on 11/09/2022”.
The 144 Cr. P. C prohibits gathering of people within the radius of 100 meters of any examination centre other than candidates, scribes and officials engaged for conduct & monitoring examination. It also restrict candidates from carrying any prohibited items in the examination hall which includes mobile phones, even in switch off mode, or any electronic equipments or programmable device or storage media devices such as smart watches, health bands, electronic pen/ scanner, Bluetooth devices, earphones, microphones or any other such devices either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device. Calculators, pen drives, bits of paper, Textual material printed or written are also not allowed inside the examination hall. Any violation of this code can invite punishment under the relevant provisions of law.
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