Hindu Samhati's Cachar unit launches email campaign against administration's Durga Puja SOP
On Friday, the Cachar District administration rolled out a set of guidelines for the Durga Puja. While people of Barak Valley welcomed district administration’s effort to ensure safety to the general public, several protocols were deemed to be unrelatable and therefore got criticised by the mass.
Reactions started pouring on Social Media and even public representatives, cultural and social organisations opined against the standard operating procedure.
Today, Mithun Nath from Bajrang Dal went on to condemn the instructions given regarding the height or katham (frame) of the idol. The administration in its SOP made it mandatory for Puja committees to have idols below 5ft. Nath and the Bajrang Dal shared that they are hopeful, that the administration shall make changes in the guidelines soon.
Hindu Samhati’s Cachar unit organised an email campaign today protesting against the ban on Sound systems, time restrictions, murti katham and ban on conducting puja in temporary or makeshift puja pandals.
Speaking on behalf of Hindu Samhati, Subhasish Choudhury said, “We have organised the email campaign to request the administration to make changes and modifications in the guidelines for Puja. I personally have almost 130 screenshots of emails now. The real numbers might be close to 150 or something. People want Puja with sound and light. That won’t spread COVID-19 and there’s no good argument against it. The administration should take into consideration the public demands and make fast changes to the guideline.”
Now, as reactions pour in large numbers, it remains to be seen if the deputy commissioner alters the SOP released for Durga Puja.
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