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Marathon dancer Rupendu Das to dance for 56 hours

Dancing star of Silchar, Rupendu Das is ready to set a new record for all of us. As per Das, there is already a record of 55 hours and he is going to make a new record by dancing non-stop for 56 hours. The program will begin from 11:45 am on 2nd June at Gandhi Bhawan, Silchar and will continue till 4th June.

Das said he always had a dream of setting new records but couldn’t fulfill it all these years because of lack of proper facilities. This time, his childhood friend and well wishers helped him in taking the necessary steps in fulfilling his dream.

In the year 2006, Das began his journey by dancing continuously for 24 hours. Trial after trail he kept on increasing the time slot by 32, 42, 44 and 50 hours . This time he is going to break his own record of 50 hours made in the year 2015.

It is worth mentioning here that last year a young girl from Nepal named Bandana Nepali made a World record by performing continuously for 5 days ( 126 hrs )

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