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Mid day meal cook teaches students as teachers come late at a Cachar School

A bizarre incident has come to light at 51 No. Gonigram LP School in Cachar District where a female mid day meal cook was seen taking classes of lower primary students in the school premises. As per the cook, teachers of the school arrive late to teach students and hence they take the classes in lieu of teachers.

There are four recruited teachers in the school situated at Cachar’s Katigorah but none of them arrive at time in the morning. Everyday, the cook teaches students for 2-3 hours in the class.

Speaking to a reporter the female cook said “We cook at the school. The teachers haven’t arrived yet so I’m teaching them. They are on their way to the school.”

The teachers usually come to the school after 11 am, one by one, and then the cook starts to prepare mid day meal for the students. We also got hold of a teacher who arrived late at 10:30 am. He himself admitted infront of the camera that the school starts at 9 am and he was late. The irregularities in the school have been going on for quite sometime but the District Elementary Education Officer is silent on the issue.

Assam CM has many a time been seen claiming unprecedented improvement of education environment in government schools however the reality tells a different story altogether. It appears like the quality of education imparted in govt. schools of Cachar district is going through a downward trajectory.

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