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MLA's Surprise Visit Spurs Urgent Appeals for Hospital Upgrades at Karimganj Civil

In an unforeseen development, MLA Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha made an impromptu visit to Karimganj Civil Hospital, shedding light on critical issues that require immediate attention.

Karimganj Civil Hospital was unexpectedly under scrutiny today as MLA Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha, representing the region, paid an unannounced visit. His sudden inspection brought to the forefront pressing concerns about the facility’s conditions, prompting urgent appeals for improvements.

Displaying visible concern for the well-being of patients, he directly addressed hospital authorities about the lack of essential facilities. He stressed the urgency for swift action to rectify the deficiencies and urged the state health department to intervene promptly.

During his visit, MLA Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha expressed alarm over the unsatisfactory conditions. He specifically highlighted an ongoing construction project initiated by the state government’s health department and urged for its expedited completion to enhance the hospital’s capacity and capabilities.

Moreover, the legislator underscored the necessity of ensuring an adequate number of beds, medical professionals, and necessary resources within the hospital. He called for prompt resolution of various issues and proposed immediate discussions to find effective solutions.

In the aftermath of MLA Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha’s unexpected visit, the spotlight is now on Karimganj Civil Hospital, compelling authorities to address the urgent concerns raised. This unforeseen scrutiny acts as a catalyst for positive change, emphasizing the crucial need to prioritize healthcare infrastructure for the community’s benefit.

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