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Only offsprings of foreign Mughals chant Pakistan Zindabad, they should be treated the China North Korean way : Dilip Paul

A video of alleged Pakistan Zindabad slogans raised during AIUDF supremo Badaruddin Ajmal’s presence at Kumbhirgram airport went viral making rounds on the social media. BJP leaders across the state are vehemently protesting the Pakistan Zindabad chants tooth and nail. Silchar MLA Dilip Kumar Pal took strong offense to the slogans and issued a statement through a video posted on his social media account.

In the video he says, “Those who stand on Indian soil and say ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ are indeed descendents of foreign Mughals. They once eulogised Miya poetry and recently have raised their voices in favour of a Miya Museum. If this goes on they will start demanding Miya land soon. No end to their demands but they’re indeed traitors. The prestige of our country is not important to traitors. They have shown instances of it in various parts of the world by means of terrorism. Betrayal is in their blood. To control them India should follow the China and North Korean way.”

AIUDF supremo Badaruddin Ajmal claimed that his party members did not chant Pakistan Zindabad slogans. While speaking to reporters at a press conference in Rajiv Bhavan he said “No member or supporter of our party chanted Pakistan Zindabad slogans. Various local leaders of our party went to the airport today. Supporters chanted Zindabad in their names only. Supporters of my party chanted ‘Aziz Khan Zindabad’ in his favour. Supporters of Himanta Biswa Sharma want to defame us by calling it ‘Pakistan Zindabad’. It is a well-planned concocted plot and Himanta Biswa Sharma’s news channel was the first to report it out of all the channels. It is full manipulation and nothing else. He’s posting the same on his social media accounts. It shows how scared he is of us. He doesn’t like the alliance between Congress and AIUDF and so is tagging us anti national for scoring brownie points. There’s also a probability of BJP supporters intermingling with our cadres and raising those slogans for defaming us. Besides, CISF and police were present at the airport, what were they doing then? Around ten to twelve media persons were also recording the event. Govt. can check those and make arrests if they want. I don’t need to prove my nationalism. Only time will tell everything I believe.”

Meanwhile, the Cachar District BJP has also strongly opposed the alleged Pakistan Zindabad slogans. General Secretary of Cachar BJP Kaushik Rai said, “Congress AIUDF alliance has not been announced. Yet Zindabad Pakistan slogans were raised as Badaruddin Ajmal first came to Barak Valley under this undeclared alliance between the two parties. One wonders what will happen if they come to power in Barak Valley. Though Congress didn’t say anything about the alliance still Ajmal conducted a press conference at Rajiv Bhavan. Won’t be wrong to say that the Bhavan is a kind of Congress office. So there’s a bonhomie between the two parties and they both support anti national activities.”

A procession will be taken out on Saturday morning by district BJP to protest the alleged Pakistan Zindabad slogans. It maybe mentioned that a twelve hour strike has been called by ACKHSA on Saturday against the Mizo aggression at Lailapur which the BJP is not supporting. On the contrary, they’ll be having a big procession against Badaruddin Ajmal on the streets.

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