Rs 3 lakh snatched from a customer outside SBI main branch; Police starts probe
The gang of snatchers is active again in Silchar. At the heart of the town in broad daylight, they loot people and run away. Cachar Police which took the credit for busting the racket a year back, is helpless again.
Today afternoon, at around 2:00 pm, a resident of Govindapur, Banskandi, Samirun Nessa visited State Bank of India, main branch. She went to the cash counter to withdraw Rs 3,00,000 from her account. Two of her nephews accompanied her and after withdrawing the money, she walked outside the bank.
“My car was parked on the opposite side of the road and as I crossed to reach the door of the vehicle, two miscreants riding on a black motorcycle stopped by my side and snatched my bag. I screamed on top of my voice and the locals tried to chase them down but could not. The bag had Rs 3,00,000 that I had just withdrawn and some more,” said Samirun Nessa.
After getting the information about the incident that occurred at the heart of the town – a stone throw distance away from the District Police Headquarters, Additional SP of Cachar, Subrata Kumar Sen rushed to the spot. As per available information, he checked the CC TV footage installed in the Bank premises and started investigating the matter.
Speaking with Barak Bulletin, Additional SP Sen said, “The said incident occurred outside the bank premises and it has been reported that the miscreants were riding a black motorcycle. We have started our investigation.”
It is worth mentioning here that the snatchers were wreaking havoc in Silchar in 2019-2020. Bike-borne miscreants often snatched hard-earned money of the residents and escaped. In January 2021, one Rabi Singh was caught by the locals while he tried to snatch money from a local resident outside the Punjab National Bank. Through Singh, the Police said they managed to get to the root of the nexus. It seems the Police got tricked, as the nexus is operating again.
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