Speeding Tipper Truck Hits & Severely Injures Two Individuals at Mahasadak Road
A speeding tipper truck has met with a fatal accident today severely injuring two individuals in the Mahasadak road adjacent to Lathigram point of Udharbond. According to some eyewitnesses, at around 7:15 pm Sunday evening, they were startled by a loud crashing sound coming from the Mahasadak side. When rushed to the scene, they found a magic truck lying there badly damaged and disfigured. Two individuals were severely injured including the driver, both of whom were immediately rushed to the Silchar Medical College & Hospital (SMCH). They also managed to capture the speeding tipper truck and its driver.
The spot of the accident falls under the jurisdiction of Udharbond thana, hence officials of that thana attended to the scene pretty quickly. According to their statement, the injured driver’s name is Jashim Uddin, hailing from the Lamargram area of Dudhpatil part I under the Borkhola constituency. His father’s name is Badruddin. The identity of the other victim couldn’t be ascertained till now, but both of them were admitted to the SMCH in critical condition. The family members of the identified victim were then contacted and asked to come to the hospital.
The accident took place in the Mahasadak area adjacent to the Lathigram point, where the speeding truck was bound from Udharbond towards Silchar heavily loaded with stones. The locals expressed their concern and frustration over this tragic accident according to whom, such stone laden tipper trucks have this bad reputation of speeding more than required, especially after the dark. Many such accidents have happened here in the past as well, but the recklessness of these tipper drivers doesn’t seem to end at all. They have appealed to the local police to keep a check at the speed limit of these tipper trucks.
There are many such instances of accidental deaths triggered by speeding or reckless tipper trucks in the Cachar district. Recently, the Cachar Police Superintendent did mention about introducing modern technologies like Smart Number Plate to curb speeding on road. But due to lockdown, then other issues like assembly election have kept the administration’s platter full which delayed this process, thereby letting the tyranny of tipper trucks on road still going on.
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