Though the amount of seizure has not been ascertained by the police yet, however, local sources claimed the two boggies contain around 150 sacks of betel nut amounting 2 crores. Read More...
Even though he didn't mention any other information related to that project, he detailed the initiatives taken by the state and union government with different projects over the river Brahmaputra. Read More...
While the car was passing a bridge near Sonabarighat, the car's speed was high and it even broke the railings of that bridge to feel into the low land. Read More...
The MP stated that the train happens to be choice of innumerable people of Barak Valley and therefore extending its service to twice a week will be beneficial in this regard. Read More...
After receiving the intel, senior officers of Cachar Police rushed to the spot to verify the intel. The officers continued to visit the spot throughout the day but there was no confirmation on the chain of events unfolding under the bridge.… Read More...