TDC Non-CBCS students move to court against Assam University; "Can't comment as matter is sub judice," Controller of Exmaniations
Since the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic last year, the Assam University, Silchar has resorted to the online and blended mode of examination for their academic courses. Although the students of the CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) course have been provided with the online platform to sit for the examination, for the non-CBCS students, their future is still limbo. After repeated requests on behalf of the students, the question mark regarding the certainty of their examination is still looming.
Protesting this, around 100 non-CBCS students of the Assam University, Silchar has filed a writ petition at the Gauhati High Court for not conducting their odd and even semester examinations. The writ petition (petition No. WP(C)/5601.2021) has been filed in the high court by advocate Gautam Chaudhury on behalf of the students. Chaudhury stated that the writ petition was filed regarding ‘inaction of the Vice-chancellor, controller of examinations and other concerned authorities on the multiple representations made by the aggrieved non-CBCS students. Thereby, further aggravating the future of the students and also affecting their careers due to such non-considerations’.
The petition by the aggrieved students stated, “This writ petition has been laid before this Honourable Court for bringing to light the arbitrary and discriminating actions of the Authorities of Assam University, Silchar affecting future prospects and careers of a huge chunk of Three years Degree Course (TDC) students by denying and ignoring their repeated demands of conducting online examinations or any alternate method of examination which will consider the conditions of the current pandemic.”
The petitioners added, “That the Authorities of Assam University discriminated against the Non-CBCS (not falling under Choice Based Credit System) students by denying them the option of appearing for online examination however allowing the students for the same who fall under the CBCS category. Moreover, the authority has also ignored a number of representations made by the aggrieved students and has taken no immediate steps to address the issues raised by the students.” The students also alleged that they had submitted around 25 memorandums to the Cachar Deputy Commissioner, Assam University authorities, Controller of Examinations and Principals of various colleges.
One of the petitioners said, “The TDC non-CBCS odd semester exam was supposed to happen on November 2020 but till now no exam has been conducted yet. On the other side, University Campus students have already finished their odd semester exams in online mode and CBCS students are having their exams in assignment mode. This way, we are being discriminated against. We (non-CBCS students) are in depression and also in frustration because we’ll lose another academic year due to such inaction.”
The petitioner who spoke with Barak Bulletin added, “We have submitted approximately more than 25 memorandums to Deputy Commissioner Cachar and also the Principal of Colleges and Vice-chancellor of Assam University, Silchar. But we are not getting any results whenever we approach University they tell us to talk to the College principals and when we go to College Principal they tell us that University will conduct exams, not the College so better talk to the University as it is not in their hands. We are being used as a puppet. So as a last measure, we non-CBCS students have collectively decided to file a Writ Petition in High Court to get Justice. We want to Thank our Budhaditya Purkayastha Sir and also to our advocate Gautam Choudhary Sir for helping us to fight for our Justice. We, students, have faith in the Judiciary system and we will get our justice.”
When Barak Bulletin tried to contact Assam University’s Controller of Examinations, professor Suprabir Dutta Roy, he rather chose to stay silent on this issue dragging to the court. “As of now, I don’t have any information regarding this. If it is true, and it has gone to the court, then I’m not obliged to comment on that as it’s a legal issue now”, said Suprabir Dutta Roy. Although the Controller of Examinations tried to dribble past the tough spots, still their defensive stance says a lot about their unpreparedness about deciding the fate of the non-CBCS students and their examination. For now, only Gauhati HC knows what turn this non-CBCS examination saga will take in the coming days.
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