10 declared dead at SMCH, 2 among them are children; "Doesn't have any relation with a potential third wave," Dr, Bhaskar Gupta
The high number of deaths in Silchar Medical College and Hospital (SMCH) continues as the Vice Principal Dr. Bhaskar Gupta informed that 10 individuals were declared dead in the last 24 hours ending at 5:00 pm on May 28. What comes as an alarming sign is that two among the ten are kids.
World over, the worry is that the kids will get affected the most in the third wave of Coronavirus infection once the ongoing second wave settles. “Two kids have died but this doesn’t have any relation with a potential third wave as the second wave is still going on with the number of patients increasing every day at Silchar Medical College,” said vice-principal, Dr. Bhaskar Gupta.
He added, “One of the kids presented with septicemia while the other suffered from a spell of severe covid pneumonia. Last year also a kid died due to Covid.” Assessing the current situation, he stated, “We’re expecting the peak of Covid in Silchar in about a week. An increasing number of patients are getting admitted to the hospital as per the current trend since the last five-six days. So as the current wave of infections is still going on, the possibility of a third wave particularly infecting young children has already hit gets ruled out.”
The two kids who succumbed at the Covid ward are Tanbir Zaman who is just three months old and was brought to the SMCH from Achimganj in Karimganj. Zaman was admitted on May 28 and died at 2:30 pm on the same day. The other child declared dead in the COVID ward is 15-month-old Ritesh Kumar from Motinagar in the Cachar district. He was admitted on May 27 and died on the same day at 10-35 pm.
Apart from the two kids, eight others died at SMCH. Rajen Ahmed Laskar, 40-year-old from Dhonehari part II, Cachar district was admitted on May 23 and he died at 5:10 pm on May 27. Hirendra Chandra Das, 72-year-old resident of Majhpara, Karimganj admitted on May 23 died at 6:24 pm on May 27. Ayaz Uddin Laskar, 60-year-old from Meherpur, Cachar was admitted on May 25 and died at 11:30 pm on May 27.
Manibala Mali (93) from Badarpur Karimganj district admitted on May 25, died at 1:10 am on May 28. Shri Chandan Paul, a 63-year-old resident of Durga Shankar Lane, Ambicapatty Silchar was admitted on May 28 at 12:30 am and died at 4-00 am on May 28. Leela Nath, a 67-year-old resident from Lala Hailakandi was admitted on May 25 and he died at 9:50 am on May 28. Surajit Singha, (39) from Lala in Hailakandi district was admitted on May 25 and he died at 1:30 pm on May 28. Dwijendra Chakraborty, a 78-year-old resident from Rangirkhari Silchar was admitted on May 28 and he died at 4:10 pm on May 28.
Dr. Gupta informed that currently, there are 290 active patients under treatment at SMCH and out of them 86 are in ICU and 31 are under ventilator. 115 patients are under oxygen support. 48 patients took admission to the SMCH in the last 24 hours while 45 got discharged.
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