Shivalik Park resident Mala Dutta Mazumder dies with COVID, third such case in Cachar
47-year-old, Meherpur, Shivalik Park resident Mala Dutta Mazumdar breathed her lasted today at Silchar Medical College and Hospital. As per available information, she was suffering from diabetes and was admitted to Valley Hospital in Silchar. There she developed complications in her kidney following which she was referred to Mediland Hospital yesterday.
Today morning, her conditions started deteriorating and the doctors in Mediland referred her to the Silchar Medical College and Hospital. A source in Mediland Hospital informed that Mala Dutta Mazumder was admitted as a case of “Chronic Kidney Disease- Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) with sepsis”.
After she reached Silchar Medical College and Hospital, she was tested for COVID using the antigen rapid test. “Her sample tested positive and before we could provide her better treatment, she succumbed,” said a senior official at Silchar Medical College and Hospital.
The official said he won’t be able to confirm if this is a death due to COVID or not. “There is a state-level board that will audit the death, and then declare if it is a COVID death or not,” said the senior official.
This is the third such case that has surfaced in Cachar. Narshingpur resident 85-year-old Shanti Nath had tested positive for COVID 19 post-death. However, her death has not been considered as a death due to COVID. Similarly, 70-year-old Janiganj’s Narayan Mitra also tested COVID positive while on a ventilator in SMCH. After his death, the administration conducted his last rites following the protocols laid for COVID death. However, the audit board declared that Mitra succumbed due to Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and not COVID and therefore, it was not considered as a COVID death.
It remains to be seen if the audit board considers Mala Dutta Mazumder as a COVID death.
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